Rise it again
Sisyphus had his eternal rock that he could never climb. We all have “our peaks and our rocks”.
Sometimes, however, we do get there and happiness alls us. We don’t know if it’s our ultimate NEIPA but we did put the heart and tons of Mosaic Cryo, Strata and Columbus into it.
Enjoy the climb, which is already over.
Sísifo tenía su roca eterna que nunca pudo escalar. Todos tenemos “nuestros picos y nuestras rocas”.
A veces, sin embargo, llegamos allí y la felicidad nos invade. No sabemos si es nuestra NEIPA definitiva, pero pusimos el corazón y toneladas de Mosaic Cryo, Strata y Columbus en ella.
Disfruta de la escalada, que ya terminó.