We represent nearly all of the beer produced in Spain.
We were founded in 1922.
Our mission: to highlight the role of beer brewing in the Spanish economy.
To guarantee production based on natural ingredients and sustainable processes in terms of the environment and society.
Support its members in their internationalisation process.
Innovation: The production of beer in Spain has developed with new recipes, innovative touches, flavours, formats and brewing methods that have made it one of the most important sectors.
Innovation: The production of beer in Spain has developed with new recipes, innovative touches, flavours, formats and brewing methods that have made it one of the most important sectors.
Innovation: The production of beer in Spain has developed with new recipes, innovative touches, flavours, formats and brewing methods that have made it one of the most important sectors.
Innovation: The production of beer in Spain has developed with new recipes, innovative touches, flavours, formats and brewing methods that have made it one of the most important sectors.